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KNIME users: Explore certification program

July 11, 2022
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It’s important to be able to show your skills and achievements when you’re applying for a new job and advancing your career. We want to help you with that. The KNIME Certification Program, which validates your KNIME skills and data science expertise, has now been modified. Our aim is to better align skills to job market needs and enable more people to start the program.

The KNIME Certification Program reloaded

Details marked in bold are new (click to zoom in)

L1 certification free of charge

As the name implies, the L1 exam covers your skills in using the basic features of KNIME Analytics Platform. It’s the first step into the KNIME Certification Program. It addresses a wider audience of KNIME users, who have started to use the tool.

The exam consists of 15 multiple choice questions, which you have to answer within 30 minutes. You can find more information in the KNIME Certification Program. To take the exam, enroll on our learning platform and find the exam in the Store. It is free of charge and easily obtainable for all KNIME users with a basic knowledge of the tool.

L2 and L3 exam questions aligned to data science jobs

The next steps validate your knowledge of using KNIME and your skills in applying more advanced techniques.

The L2 and L3 certification exams address more expert KNIME users working within a team, integrated into an enterprise environment, the latter being especially true for the L3 exam. To reflect this increase in professionalism and expertise, the updated exams test all aspects of data-related jobs.

Some 4,800 people have taken L1, L2, and L3 exams since the program launched. Based on their feedback, we have also made the L2 and L3 exams more challenging!

The L2 exam now consists of 25 multiple choice questions to be answered within 45 minutes. It tests your knowledge and skills in more advanced techniques, such as loops, flow variables, switches, and automation.

The L3 exam requires you to answer 35 multiple choice questions in 55 minutes and targets data science professionals working in an enterprise context in particular. L3 certification evaluates your knowledge of using KNIME Analytics Platform for production and deployment processes within the enterprise environment. For example, a data analyst, data engineer, or data scientist working in an enterprise needs to know how to productionize data applications or deploy data science models.

Cost of L2 and L3 exams adjusted

Both the L2 and the L3 certifications are paid-for exams. In order to reflect the adoption of modern data science skills in enterprises, the L2 and L3 exams are monitored to ensure they are always up to date.

To encourage more people to continue their certification, we’ve lowered the prices. The new cost to enroll for the L2 exam is $50, down from $100, while the cost to enroll for the L3 exam remains $100. These costs are adjusted to be affordable for most companies.

Register to take the L2 and L3 exams here.

How to prepare for L2 and L3 certification

If you do not feel you are prepared to take the L2 and L3 certification exams yet, we can recommend some preparation courses for you.

KNIME offers free self-paced courses prepare KNIME users to take all the certification exams, L1, L2, and L3.

Explore the KNIME self-paced courses page. You’ll find courses to prepare for:

  • L1 certification exam for Data Scientists (L1-DS) and Data Wranglers (L1-DW) around basic KNIME features
  • L2 certification exams for data scientists (L2-DS) and for Data Wranglers (L2-DW) on more advanced KNIME features

All self-paced courses are free. The courses at each level require data science and KNIME knowledge from the previous level, such as for example L2 courses require knowledge from L1 courses.


Now, it’s time to take the next certification exam or prepare for it. You have no more excuses 😉

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