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KNIME101: A Mentoring Webinar Series

Get started with data science by joining 30-minute webinars led by top KNIME experts

February 20, 2025
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You can now learn from the best KNIME gurus! The top data experts in the KNIME community will be sharing their preferred pearls of wisdom with us in a year-long series of mentoring webinars.

Every second Wednesday of the month, we will have the pleasure to listen and learn about key features and best practices to use when working with data on KNIME Analytics Platform.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from top KNIME KNinjas :-)

The first in the series was KNIME101: How to Build Your First Workflow. Rewatch on-demand.

Featured KNIME101 webinar

Next up is KNIME101: How to build a data app

April 9, 2025

Come, learn from the experts! During this webinar, Martin Dieste will teach us how to build a data app, step by step.

KNIME Analytics Platform is famous for being easy to use. However, you still need to keep proper data management procedures in mind, and must know what node to use for what task. These 10 tips and tricks will prove valuable when working with data on KNIME Analytics Platform, especially for those new to it.

KNIME101 Schedule

EventSpeakers on KNIME Forum Date Time
KNIME101: Build your first workflowEmilio Silvestri & Michele BassanelliFeb 12, 20253 PM - 4 PM CETWatch on-demand
KNIME101: 10 tips and tricks when using KNIMEPhilipp KowalskiMarch 12, 20253 PM - 4 PM CETWatch on-demand
KNIME101: How to build a data appMartin DiesteApril 9, 20253 PM - 4 PM CETRegister
KNIME101: The power of flow variablesMarcell Palfi & Bertold BalaszMay 14, 20253 PM - 4 PM CETRegister
KNIME101: KNIME in Chemistry for BeginnersHiroki YoshidaJune 11, 20259 AM - 10 AM CETRegister
KNIME101: How to generate PDF reportsArmin Ghassemi RuddJuly 9, 20253 PM - 4 PM CETRegister
KNIME101: Building workflows with K-AIScott FincherAug 13, 20253 PM - 4 PM CSTRegister
KNIME101: 10 underrated nodes that will make your life easierHans Samson & Elisabeth RichterSept 10, 20253 PM - 4 PM CETRegister
KNIME101: Effortless Data Access with KNIMEFrancesco TuscolanoOct 8, 20253 PM - 4 PM CETRegister

What are the KNIME101 webinars?

KNIME 101 is a series of hands-on webinars designed to help new users become familiar with our low-code analytics platform. Each month in 2025, we’ll introduce a new topic to help you build workflows, analyze data, and unlock the full potential of KNIME.

Who should attend?

All KNIME101 webinars are designed for new users starting out with KNIME.

How long does each KNIME101 webinar last?

Each webinar is 30 minutes + 15 minutes for Q&A.

What kind of topics will be covered?

Everything from building your first workflow, to using AI to help you build workflows, to learning how to best prompt LLMs, to tips and tricks when using KNIME, to geospatial analytics, to generating PDF reports, to connecting to a database / cloud / files, to implementing a RAG, and more!

Where can I sign up?

Check out the Register link in the schedule above. You'll also find the KNIME101 webinars on KNIME Events.

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