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Easy Access to your SAP Data

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Transformation and Analysis of SAP Data at your Fingertips

Using the Theobald Software Connector node, it’s possible to extract data from various SAP systems into KNIME. The loaded data can then be used for further analysis or visualization; you can write it as files or or into databases, or send it out to one of the integrated data sinks or reporting solutions such as Spotfire, Tableau, or Microsoft Power BI.

Transformation and Analysis of SAP Data at your Fingertips


The new SAP Reader (Theobald Software) node connects to Xtract Universal* to extract data from SAP S/4HANA, SAP BW, SAP ERP/ECC, SAP R/3, mySAP, etc. into KNIME. For a full list of supported SAP Systems see the Theobald Software documentation. Benefits include:

  • Seamless integration with KNIME Analytics Platform and KNIME Business Hub
  • Access to all nodes and functionality within KNIME for working with SAP data 
  • Complete control of access to SAP via central processing and monitoring
  • Fast, simple, and user friendly via the graphical KNIME interface - no need for programming or coding
  • Minimal to zero intrusion in your SAP system
  • Increased reliability due to integration being based on SAP certified technology

*Xtract is a paid connector

Next steps

Install integration

Available in KNIME Hub, install the KNIME SAP Integration based on Theobald Xtract Universal to read data from various SAP systems.Install Now

Read blog post

Learn how to blend data on an SAP system that is accessed in two ways: the legacy way and with Theobald Xtract Universal Server.

View example workflow

Use this blueprint to calculate various KPIs based on sales data extracted from two SAP tables via Theobald and SAP Hana.

Contact us

We’re happy to answer your questions on KNIME and the Theobald Xtract Universal Integration.Contact

Video thumbnail

No Magic: Incremental Load of your SAP Data into KNIME

In this webinar, Theobald Software introduces Xtract Universal, which enables incremental delta loads from SAP data sources. It covers: how to access and load sales data from SAP tables, how to explore SAP data assets based on dynamic filtering, and how to analyze the data and generate insights - all using KNIME Analytics Platform.

Watch webinar