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KNIME Data Connect: San Diego

Elevating Marketing Analytics to Marketing Data Science

January 9, 2024 | San Diego
KNIME Data Connect: San Diego
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See real world examples from practising marketing data scientists on how to use open-source software from KNIME to make your marketing analytics reporting more scalable and elevate your analysis into data science. Examples from this session will include:

  • Using KNIME to work with Google Analytics 4 built-in nodes for KPI reporting. Elevate your analytics by incorporating outlier detection and messaging in Slack to be alerted immediately of meaningful changes in your data. 
  • Using KNIME to easily connect to Salesforce objects to create a “People Table” (Leads and Contacts) to make reporting easier. See examples of how we used the robust features of KNIME to build lead scoring models and conduct ideal customer profile (ICP) analysis.
  • Using KNIME to build purchase propensity models, from data ingestion, transformation, feature engineering and model selection.

This will be the first in a monthly series on analyzing the customer journey from end to end using KNIME. This series was designed to share practical, real-world solutions to problems encountered by practising data scientists. In addition to technical solutions, attendees will get insight into the thought-process behind solving problems and the soft skills like presenting to stakeholders that are ultimately critical for project success.