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[L2-DA]  Data Analytics with KNIME Analytics Platform - Advanced

January 20 - 24, 2025 | Online
Online Course
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This course builds on the [L1-AP] Data Literacy with KNIME Analytics Platform - Basics by introducing advanced concepts for building and automating workflows with KNIME Analytics Platform Version 5. 

This course covers topics for controlling node settings and automating workflow execution. You will learn concepts such as flow variables, loops, switches, and how to catch errors. In addition, you will learn how to handle date and time data, how to create advanced dashboards, and how to process data within a database. 

Moreover, this course introduces additional tools for reporting. You will learn how to style and update Excel spreadsheets using the Continental Nodes. Moreover, you will learn how to generate reports using the KNIME Reporting extension.

This is an instructor-led course consisting of five, 75 minutes online sessions run by our data scientists. Each session has an exercise for you to complete at home, and we will go through the solution at the start of the following session. The course concludes with a 15-30 minutes wrap up session.

  • Session 1: Flow Variables & Components    
  • Session 2: Workflow Control and Invocation
  • Session 3: Date&Time, Databases, REST Services, Python & R Integration
  • Session 4: Excel Styling, KNIME Reporting Extension
  • Session 5: Review of the Last Exercises and Q&A


You first need to create an account on the KNIME Learning Store. After you log on to the KNIME Learning Store, clicking on the “Register now” button will take you to the course web page.

You should already know how to build workflows using KNIME Analytics Platform. This course doesn’t provide an introduction to KNIME Analytics Platform - it focuses on more advanced concepts of automating and building workflows.

You can join the course using the Zoom links found in your LearnUpon course page. Please note that each Zoom link is specific to a particular session. Make sure you have a stable internet connection!

Sure! The sessions will be recorded and you’ll have access to each one for one month from the time the session is over.

Absolutely - fire away!

Your own laptop, ideally pre-installed with the latest version of KNIME Analytics Platform.

Download the latest free, open source version of KNIME Analytics Platform here:

Although our course materials are based on KNIME Analytics Platform Version 5, you can still learn different concepts and associated nodes introduced in this course. Please note that some nodes introduced in Version 5 may not be available in Version 4. 

You can complete L2 of the KNIME Certification

You should consider taking [L1-AP] Data Literacy with KNIME Analytics Platform: Basics.