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What We Do at KNIME and Why

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Our promise

Our Promise

Our promise is to build the most intuitive and widely-used environment for data science, giving the community easy access to powerful capabilities.

We firmly believe in openness and the power of the community to accelerate data-driven innovation. When we develop new software features in KNIME Analytics Platform, these are always made available on the open source platform so that everyone can take advantage of it.

Our purpose

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to advance the impact and understanding of data science through visual workflows and sober advocacy.

The visual programming environment and tool blending are just three characteristics of KNIME software that facilitate the impact and understanding of data science. Outstanding at KNIME is also the modest and meaningful way in which everyone does their work. This makes up a very special part of our culture, which we aim to maintain.

Our vision

Our Vision

We are visionary, but thoughtful; competent, but always learning, and we always consider people first.

We hold onsite and online science cafes to encourage life-long learning, to discover new topics, and share knowledge; we go on retreats where we have the chance to focus on projects not normally possible in our daily work, and we get to meet colleagues from different offices and teams, and celebrate successes.