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Certify your data analyst, data engineer, or data scientist skills

New industry-recognized certification exams for data analytics & visualization, data engineering, and machine learning

March 15, 2024
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The unicorn data scientist who is good at everything is the rarest of breeds.

As the demand for analytics and data science professionals has grown, the roles and job titles associated with data have also expanded. The term “data scientist” once described an individual with broad skills, capable of handling all aspects of analytics projects. Today, this definition is too broad. Very few individuals fulfill all the requirements. Instead data projects are worked on by collaborative teams of skilled data analysts, data engineers, data scientists, and more.

KNIME offers clear learning paths for data analysts, data engineers, and data scientists. What’s new is that you can now get these specialist skills validated with an industry-recognized certification by taking the new Level 4 exams in the KNIME Certification Program. The exam questions were developed by data scientists and educators at KNIME, with additional collaboration for the machine learning certification with Cody James Carroll, Assistant Professor from the University of San Francisco.

When you complete the certification for your chosen learning path you will be a KNIME-certified data analyst, data engineer, or data scientist (with a specialization in machine learning).Your certification provides a clear indication of your competence in those specific skill sets and techniques and your commitment to learning.

Become a KNIME-certified data professional

The data analyst, data engineer, and data scientist profiles have established themselves as essential players, with specific tasks within the analytics and data science processes. The data engineer sets up the data infrastructure with skills to build and optimize data pipelines, and sets the stage for the data analyst. The data analyst extracts the data and uses skills to transform that data to be able to analyze it to make sense of business-related problems. The data scientist typically uses machine learning or AI to make forecasts based on that data, by building advanced prediction models.

You can explore more detailed definitions of these roles and how they typically collaborate in the video below.

All KNIME Learning Paths start with same L1 Basic Proficiency course and exam. Next you take the L2 and L3 courses and exams for your respective path: data analyst, data engineer, or data scientist. The final step is the L4 course and exam.

“Learning paths are easier and shorter if they are free of the syntactic details of coding and debugging, allow the analyst to spend more time applying best practices. KNIME Analytics Platform allows this to happen,” said Professor Dursun Delen from the Spears School of Business, VCU. 

All KNIME Learning Paths start with same L1 Basic Proficiency course and exam. Next you take the L2 and L3 courses and exams for your respective path: data analyst, data engineer, or data scientist. The final step is the L4 course and exam.

Let's break down the content of the new certification exams, how you can prepare, and become a KNIME Certified Data Professional.

Become a KNIME-certified data analyst

The L4 Data Analytics and Visualization badge (left) validating you passed the exam and the learning path (right) showing completion of the Data Analyst learning path

The L4-Data Analytics and Visualization [L4-DA] certification exam tests your knowledge of:

  • Advanced Data Collection
  • Data Extraction
  • Data Visualization
  • Visualization Best Practices

Become a KNIME-certified data engineer

The L4 Data Engineering badge (left) validating you passed the exam and the learning path badge (right) showing completion of the Data Engineer learning path

The L4-Data Engineering [L4-DE] certification exam tests your knowledge of:

  • Aspects of data engineering
  • Data types
  • Data sources
  • Data pipelines
  • Data storage
  • Data governance
  • Big data connectivity and processing with Apache Spark
  • Best practices for data engineering

Become a KNIME-certified data scientist with machine learning specialization

The L4 Machine Learning badge (left) validating you passed the exam and the learning path badge (right) showing completion of the Data Scientist (ML) learning path

The L4-Machine Learning [L4-ML] certification exam tests your knowledge of:

  • Data preparation
  • Decision trees
  • Logistic regression
  • Recommendation engines
  • Clustering
  • Regression models & ensemble models
  • Neural networks

How to prepare for an L4 exam

The KNIME Learning Center is your go-to resource to find links to all the courses and materials that will help you prepare for your certification.

All L4-DA, L4-DE, or L4-ML courses prepare you for the certification exam. These are all offered as instructor-led courses. You can find the schedule for the rest of the year here.

Currently, there is an L4-ML course additionally offered as a self-paced course. More self-paced courses for L4-DA and L4-DE are coming soon.

Cram for exams and take the certification challenge

Join the current 90-day certification challenge where you can complete any certifications in order, free of charge. The challenge runs until the end of April, 2024. Find out more.

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