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New L4 KNIME Certification Exam on Text Processing

November 28, 2022
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Are you L1-L3 KNIME certified and looking for the next step to advance your data professional journey? Then the first of our L4 certifications could be for you. Now you can not only certify your specialized text processing skills using KNIME, but also complete the learning path on Natural Language Processing for data scientists.

Prerequisites to Take L4 Certification

By now you should be familiar with KNIME’s Certification Program, especially if you are looking to complete the new L4-certification level. The prerequisites for the L4 certification exam entail that you have passed the L1-L3 certification exams.

As a reminder, L1 certified your knowledge of basic procedures in the data science creation phase with KNIME Analytics Platform. In turn, L2 certified your knowledge of advanced procedures in the data science creation phase with KNIME Analytics Platform. Finally, L3 validated your knowledge of productionization procedures for data science applications.

If you have completed all three certification levels, then you will see the L4-TP certification appear on your LearnUpon store page. Alternatively, you can access the exam from the KNIME Certification Program page. If you pass the L4-TP you will receive a badge to share on social media.


Scope of the L4 Text Processing Exam

An ever-increasing share of human interactions, communications, and culture is conveyed as digital text. Just think of the humongous number of tweets that are sent worldwide every day. Can you guess? 500 million (Internet Live Stats)!

This bulk of digital textual data often contains valuable information and gives us unprecedented insights into fundamental questions in the social sciences, humanities, and industry. But to effectively leverage it we need to apply appropriate analytical techniques. Those techniques are collected under the term text processing which is a subfield of data science. It comprises analytical techniques for the automation, manipulation, and mining of unstructured text data, and can lend us a hand to make sense of text collections and go from words to wisdom.

One very prominent example of text processing is sentiment analysis. The goal is to determine the expressed opinion in a text, for example, positive and negative. This information can be very useful, for example, to monitor customer feedback. The figure below shows such a workflow in KNIME which processes movie reviews and analyzes them with regard to their sentiment.

Fig. 1. Import, enrich, and preprocess movie reviews to conduct sentiment analysis.

Download the workflow for free on the KNIME Hub.

Of course, you can do text processing like sentiment analysis in KNIME, as shown above, and now you can also certify these skills with the new L4-TP certification exam.

Note. The L4-TP exam was created in collaboration with Dursun Delen, Professor in Management Science & Information Systems at Oklahoma State University and long-time KNIME user and teacher.

The certification exam tests your knowledge of:

  • General text mining concepts

  • Introduction to text processing and Importing text

  • Creating Document objects, parsing and tagging

  • Cleaning and transforming text into numeric representations

  • Advanced applications, such as visualizations of world frequencies and topic modeling.

How to Prepare for the L4 Text Processing Exam

To prepare for our first L4 Certification exam, namely the Text Processing, you can take the corresponding self-paced course. Sign in to your KNIME account and enroll yourself in the L4-TP Introduction to Text Processing course on the KNIME Self-Paced Courses webpage.

Figure 2. The L4-TP exam as described on the webpage.

You can also have a look at the Online Courses schedule on the KNIME website to see when the next online instructor-led course will take place.

Tip: Take the L4-TP exam for free with the promo code: L4-TP-RELEASE. The code is valid until the end of April 2023.

Apart from the course offerings, we’d recommend you to have a look at the book From Words to Wisdom available from the KNIME Press, which describes various techniques to access, process, and analyze text documents using the KNIME Text Processing extension.

Complete the Natural Language Processing Learning Path

Completing the L4-TP Certification Exam means that you have also fulfilled the requirements for the completion of the Natural Language Processing learning path for data scientists.


When completing the learning path, you will receive a badge that indicates your proficiency as a data scientist in the specialty of Natural Language Processing. Don’t forget to share it on social media and let your network know about your latest achievement!

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