Learn data science and AI from scratch or level-up to gain more advanced skills by exploring KNIME's learning options.
KNIME is a low-code, no-code data science platform that gives you a user-friendly interface to learn data science. It's open, free, and intuitive to use, so you can focus on the data science without having to learn to use the tool first. You can get started with or without data science experience.
Not everybody learns in the same way. We all know that from our days at school. There is the visual learner, the abstract learner, the memory learner, the hands-on learner, and more.
Data science teachers at KNIME have compiled targeted learning resources to suit all the different types of learners. If you would like to learn how to develop professional data science applications, this article shows you which courses, books, videos, cheat sheets, and more, to help you learn.
What kind of learner are you? See which description you identify most with and then explore the data science learning resources for your type.

Here is a list of eleven common learner types that we have observed over the years.
The structured learner

The structured learner is the classic type of learner schools would like to have. One lesson after the other, one exercise after the other, slowly but consistently they progress in their learning process. We all had a classmate like this.
The binge watcher

Binge watchers cannot stop watching entertainment as well as informational videos. There is always time to watch one more episode. And then another, and another.
The reader

Books do not scare away the reader. If at all, they actually attract them. For them, a book is the best friend and the best way to learn.
The visual learner

Rather than reading a full book, the visual learner prefers to read a webtoon, to memorize a cheat sheet, or to navigate a mind map.
The chatterbox

The chatterbox is the Q&A type. Chatterboxes like to ask people how to proceed, how they can find the functionality they need, which tricks to use, or the best practices. From time to time, they need an exchange of information with a human counterpart.
The competitive learner

Some people are driven by competition, with others and also with their past self. Competitive learners need a set of challenges to tackle to know that they are improving.
The influencer

These learners live on social media. Influencers also prefer to learn, stay up-to-date, and share their learnings, all on social media.
The morsel learner

This might not be a learner type, rather a constriction by life rhythms. There is no time for anything, even less for structured training that requires constant discipline. Learning bits and pieces here and there fits more easily into their schedule.
The jump-starter

Jump-starters don't want to attend a full course and at the same time crave a classroom-like training. They aim at jump-starting their learning process with a full-immersion introductory session. They will continue on their own later on, when they have time. The important thing for them is to get started.
The hacker

Who needs a manual of instructions? Hackers just start hacking.
The know-it-all

The one who knows it all doesn't need a description.
Now explore how we've matched your learner type to learning resources.
Learn data science with courses for structured learners

KNIME courses: You can attend a free self-paced course or a paid course with an instructor. Courses are divided into structured sections, and include a few lessons in each section, a few exercises for each lesson, and a final test. Following a level-organized structure, you'll assimilate new content each day until the conclusion of the course.
Explore the KNIME Courses Overview for self-paced, online, or onsite courses covering topics for beginners and advanced users.
Learn data science with videos for binge watchers

Binge watchers, explore KNIMETV on YouTube. As a binge watcher, you'll find video lessons from the KNIME self-paced courses on the KNIME TV channel on YouTube. Our binge watchers can skip the exercises and just spend a few hours watching the video playlists in their entirety:
- Intro to KNIME Analytics Platform
- L1 Data Literacy with KNIME Analytics Platform
- L2 course video playlist
- L3 course video playlist
- KNIME for Finance
As a bonus episode, check out the Data Science Pronto! playlist. The Data Science Pronto! videos are 2-3 minute long videos and give you quick explanations of fascinating questions in data science and machine learning.
Learn data science with ebooks for readers

Readers, have a look at KNIME Press. This is the library of our learning center. You'll can find textbooks to learn the basic and the advanced features of KNIME Analytics Platform for data science and NLP; booklets to see how functionality in X can be done in KNIME (X being Excel, Alteryx, or SAS); and collections of blog posts around data blending, case studies, scoring, and guided labeling. We recommend:
- KNIME Beginner’s Luck to get started with KNIME
- KNIME Advanced Luck to deepen your knowledge of KNIME
- From Excel to KNIME for spreadsheet users
Learn data science with cheat sheets for visual learners

Visual learners, browse through the collection of cheat sheets to find clear, visual summaries of functions to help you build workflows, for example:
- Building a KNIME workflow for beginners
- KNIME for Spreadsheet users
- Control and Orchestration with KNIME for more advanced features
- Building Components to package, display, and share complex content
If you are already more advanced along your data science journey, you'll also find cheat sheets to learn more about machine learning, connectors to databases, and much more.
Learn data science on the KNIME Forum for chatterboxes

Chatterboxes, head over to KNIME Forum. This is a free peer-to-peer support forum for the KNIME community. You'll find categories for specific topics, where you can ask questions, get your answers, and also exchange opinions and advice with other KNIME users. It is the perfect place for chatterboxes who enjoy a Q&A exchange with others to learn more about data science.
Learn data science with challenges for competitive learners

Competitive learners, take the Just KNIME It! weekly challenges. Here you can put your data science skills to the test and compete with other KNIME users, and learn more about KNIME and data science at the same time. You can win badges to mark achieving different challenge-milestones and find yourself featured in the Just KNIME It! section of the KNIME Forum and on social media.
Learn data science on social media for influencers

Influencers, embark on #66daysofdata. It's a learning program where every day you set aside half an hour to progress a little in a selected topic. And, of course, you share the progress with your followers.
Check out the #66daysofdata roadmap to gain more skills in data blending and data visualization. You can take the program on your own or in a guided session, all on social media.
Learn data science with articles & tutorials for morsel learners

Morsel learners, in addition to reading articles and tutorials about data science on the KNIME Blog, you can also check out Low Code for Advanced Data Science, KNIME's community journal on Medium. This journal is for and by the KNIME community. KNIME expert users share their knowledge and experience and KNIME newbies read the articles to learn more. If you're new to KNIME, try the Getting Started section to take your first steps into data science with KNIME.
Learn data science with solution starters for jump starters

Jump starters, try the one-hour tutorial with hands-on exercises, which are run at KNIME's Data Connect events. They're held in the Beginners Corner and you get to learn the very basics of data science with KNIME, plus tips on how to continue on your own. It is easier to continue when you have started on a good foot already! Keep an eye out for the next Data Connect event near you on KNIME Events. Next one up is January 9 in San Diego.
Learn data science with beginner data science workflows for hackers

Hackers, explore the Beginners space on KNIME Community Hub. Who needs an instruction manual? You can start building workflows immediately using the examples in the Beginners space, so you don't have to start from scratch. Just download, import, and change as needed.
Get expertise certified with KNIME Certification for the know-it-all

For the KNIME users who know it all already, you can get your expertise certified through KNIME's Certification Program. Take a certification exam in one of the expertise levels - L1, L2, and L3 - and become a KNIME certified user! By the way, the L1 certification exam is free. Remember: You need to be signed in the KNIME space to see the available exams and to enroll.
Most of this information, and more, is available on KNIME Learning.